

Optimizing the Opportunities of the Clinical Experience

Clinicals are crucial to your long-term career success.

作为一名21世纪的学生,你知道技术正在发生变化 一切, from what we learn to how we learn it. 现在比以往任何时候都更需要对富有同情心、高质量的病人护理的需求. 在你 临床旋转, you can bring classroom lessons into real-world situations, 做好在没有安全网的医院和医疗机构为病人服务的准备. 这就是为什么你的临床对你的长期事业成功至关重要.

The Benefits of Clinical Experiences

对于许多护理专业的学生来说,临床经验的前景可能会让人感到难以承受. 她们在课业、临床轮转、幸运28计划全职工作和家庭责任之间周旋. 临床经历不仅仅是求职申请的一个要点——它们可以是 deeply rewarding and enriching, not to mention a chance to learn and gain confidence.

These are the experiences that will help to: 

  • Develop Compassion and Empathy. Some lessons can’t be taught in a classroom. By interacting directly with patients, 学生们亲眼看到医学中人的成分是多么重要. 他们可以见证病人的挣扎和胜利,并与他们一生都在为病人提供护理的人建立更大的情感联系.
  • Understand the Realities of Patient Care. Lessons from textbooks and lectures only go so far. 临床经验使学生沉浸在医疗保健的日常不可预测性和兴奋性中. They must learn to handle multiple issues at once, deal with the emotional toll of patient care, and work within a team setting. 有了这种现实世界的实践,可以让他们为毕业后的工作做好准备. 
  • 培养关键技能. 临床轮转 where students hone their practical skills 因此,在医疗场景中,他们有信心完成这项工作. Whether it’s taking patient histories, performing physical exams or developing treatment plans, 诊所是学生们学习实际沟通技巧的地方, 团队合作和解决问题,以配合他们所学的知识和培训.
  • 获得视角和洞察力. When students observe various specialties and scenarios, 他们学习如何与来自不同学科的专业人士互动. 这将有助于任何未来的专业人士对他们的职业道路做出明智的决定,并考虑他们对患者生活的影响. 这对于塑造学生的职业身份,确保他们以正直和尊重的态度执业至关重要. 

Get the Most Out of Clinical Rotations

Starting clinicals can be a daunting task. Preparation, positivity, and an open-minded perspective 能否成为学生充分利用课堂和现实生活的基础. Here are some other things to consider as you get started:

  1. Find a clinical opportunity that best suits your goals. 因为临床是护理学校的重要组成部分, 寻找一份既能满足你的职业抱负又能满足你个人喜好的工作. A 临床实习 对于MSN和PMC学生来说,这可能是你在护理学校经历的决定性因素, so be sure to begin your search early, 与你感兴趣的机会取得联系,并向Herzing临床实习团队寻求支持和资源.
  2. 和你的同伴交朋友. 每个去诊所的人都会面临一些和你一样的要求和挑战. With proper support and motivation, 你们可以互相帮助度过艰难的日子,庆祝有意义的日子. As one 以前的学生 advises, “Don’t be the lone wolf.”
  3. 要积极主动. A clinical experience is as impactful as you make it. This means that you should look to ask questions, reflect on goals and outcomes, 寻求反馈,寻求新的挑战和机会. 你已经投入了时间, 接下来的精力和金钱应该是一段让你在你热爱的职业中取得成功的经历,利用你的临床来帮助你幸运28计划注意力并实现这些目标.

Like every other part of their education, Herzing的学生在护理事业的道路上并不孤单. We believe working together makes everyone better. Remember that, as part of the 临床实习承诺, MSN和PMC学生有机会找到他们的导师和 临床基地, with help and support from the clinical coordination team.

要了解更多关于临床经验和临床实习承诺,请查看Herzing的 护理学院 for more information about accredited programs, 有关护理和医疗保健以及其他可用资源的相关软件下载.

Learn More About Our 护理程序


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. 劳工部, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, salary increase or other career growth.

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